Make Queensland the Safest State

Crime rates among Queensland’s youth aren’t improving.
Disadvantaged young people who develop drug and alcohol issues and are ending up in the criminal justice system, destroying their prospects and making it nearly impossible to rebuild their lives.
Locking kids up is a waste of resources and doesn’t address the root cause of youth crime.
We need to divert young people from drug and alcohol abuse, giving them the support and treatment they need to recover – so they can give back to their communities and lead fulfilling lives.
Will you sign the petition and support our plan to make Queensland the Safest State?
Take Control is asking all Members of Parliament to commit to:
- Intervention to divert young people with drug and alcohol problems from the criminal justice system to health and community services
- Engagement to empower disadvantaged youth
- Treatment through specific residential facilities for young people.
You can read the entire Safest State plan here.
We need to give our young people a chance to overcome their disadvantage.
Help us convince the government they need a long-term strategy to tackle inequality and give our communities the support they need to thrive.
To all Members of Parliament,
Drug use and crime among young people in Queensland has been an issue for decades, and it isn’t improving.
Without treatment, many young people are turning to crime and end up in the criminal justice system, destroying their future prospects and entrenching inequality. But decades of locking people up hasn’t made our streets any safer. We need a different approach.
Evidence shows punishing people for taking drugs does nothing to reduce drug use; it only dissuades people who need medical help from seeking treatment.
We ask you to support the Safest State Plan to address the root causes of youth crime, providing support and treatment to help them rebuild their lives.
We need:
- Intervention to divert young people with drug and alcohol problems from the criminal justice system to health and community services
- Engagement to empower disadvantaged youth through Street Universities
- Treatment through specific residential facilities for young people.
For the vast majority of problematic drug users, their drug use is a symptom of a deeper underlying problem. We cannot hope to divert these people from crime and antisocial behaviour if we continue to punish them for their disadvantage.
If Queensland invests in treatment and social services, we can help our youth rebuild their lives and give back to their communities.
Please support this plan to make Queensland the Safest State.
Thank you to all of our supporters who have worked tirelessly with us. The fight to Take Control continues with our Safer, Stronger Youth Justice campaign. Click the button below to join
Join the campaign for safer, stronger youth justices
We’ll keep you updated about the campaign. Find out more here.